Ski Level 2 Qualification

Modules required for Level 2 Qualification:

Optional Modules:

Ski Level 2 Course

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Throughout each of the 8 days of the course the Trainer will monitor your participation and performance. They will provide frequent, ongoing information to each student on their strengths, areas for change and how to make these changes.

During the course the Trainer and student formulate an ongoing action plan based on the student’s participation. During the course the Trainer is assessing your competence to teach beginners & intermediates as an Instructor within marked and open runs and within the structure of a ski school.

The written action plan provided by the Trainer at the end of the course aims to give students an agreed (between the Trainer and student) account of what students need to do to improve their performance and develop as a ski Instructor.


L2 SkiTechnical Assessment Criteria

SkiCentral Theme

In the context of the Task set:

  • Perform all phases of the CT on terrain appropriate to client needs, as described in the BASI Alpine manual

Piste Short

In the context of the Task set:

  • Perform grippy (from the fall line_, round, symmetrical, short turns, in various corridors on a blue or easy red piste.
  • Show the ability to maintain a constant speed.
  • Use effective posture, balance and movements.

Piste Long

In the context of the Task set:

  • Perform cleanly carved turns on a blue piste
  • Show a variety of turn radii
  • Use effective posture, balance and movements


In the context of the Task set:

  • Perform rounded, linked turns, in a variety of conditions, on a blue or redsteepness slope
  • Show a variety of turn radii
  • Use effective posture, balance and movements
  • You may have feedback and prompts from the Trainer


In the context of the Task set:

  • Perform linked turns on a steep red or black piste
  • Show the ability to control speed safely
  • Use effective posture, balance and movements
  • You may have feedback and prompts from the Trainer


In the context of the Task set:

  • Perform continuous linked, skidded turns in easy bumps
  • Show the ability to stay in a narrow corridor
  • Maintain a constant speed
  • Use effective posture, balance and movements
  • You may have feedback and prompts from the Trainer


In the context of the Task set:

  • Ski switch safely on an easy blue run, showing largely parallel skis (at least 2/3's of the turn) and smooth transitions.
  • Perform a small, safe jump with balanced landing off an appropriate side hit or natural feature.
  • Understand how to adjust basic posture, balance and movements as required to demonstrate basic flatland tricks.
  • Ski consistently at safe speeds in beginner freestyle terrain.
  • You may have feedback and prompts from the Trainer.


L2 SkiTeaching Assessment Criteria


  • Maintain the safety of the group, and other slope users at all times.


  • Ensure the session is enjoyable and delivered in an engaging manner.


  • Demonstrate the ability to achieve goals that are appropriate to learner needs within the Central Theme, visiting each stage of TIED.

Session Review

  • Introduced but not assessed

As a BASI member, BASI expects you to demonstrate a high level of professionalism throughout the course including:


L2 SkiProfessionalism Assessment Criteria


  • Show a comprehensive understanding of, and adherence to, the Ski-Way Code and of the FIS regulations.


  • Pre-course learning completed.
  • Course is attended with appropriate clothing and equipment.


  • Demonstrate respectful and inclusive communication and behaviour to others, including Trainers, peers and others out-with the course.


  • Show a positive attitude and commitment to participation and willingness to learn.


  • Be open to change and feedback, including listening to the Trainer and peers to develop, along with self-reflection.


  • Turn up on-time for all meeting points.

If the student is significantly late, the trainer will give a formal warning after the second occasion. If the student is late again with no excuse, this time keeping is deemed unacceptable by BASI and may result in the student failing the course. 

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35 hours Snowsport School Experience

35 hours Snowsports School Experience is required for Level 1 Instructor Qualification. These hours ideally should be shadowing or teaching experience in a UK Snowsports centre after completing the Level 1 instuctor course. A maximum of 15 of these hours can be completed at slopes using Maxxtracks technology, such as Skiplex or Chel-ski**.

An additional 35 hours Snowsports School Experience is required for Level 2 Qualification. These hours are additional to the 35 hours completed as part of the Level 1 Qualification. The additional hours should ideally be completed after the Level 1 Qualification has been awarded and before attending the Level 2 instructor course (70 hours can be submitted to the BASI Team after completion of the Level 1 instructor course).

Students should provide a breakdown in writing of what they have covered during their Snowsport School experience, this should be on headed Snowsport School paper and be signed by the Snowsport School supervisor. 

For a BASI Log Sheet Click Here

** Due to the nature of these slopes the instructor should always be mindful of how their lesson could be given on a dry slope or indoor snow slope where there are more slope users and a change of terrain (angle and underfoot conditions). Clients should be given instruction in accordance with the FIS code, particularly with regards to safety.

Ski Level 2 Performance Training

Course Price: £399
This is an optional 5 day training module designed to help you improve your technical standard prior to attending the Ski Level 2 Instructor course or Ski Level 2 Re-assessment course, thus improving your chance of success.

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Ski Level 2 Re-assessment

Course Price: £499
Re-Assessments must be taken within 2 years of the date of the course failed, otherwise the candidate will be required to pay for and attend the whole course again.

If a candidate fails both the Teaching and the Technical elements of the course, they must retake the whole 8 day Level 2 course.

If a candidate fails either the Teaching or Technical element of the course, they can book onto a 4 day Level 2 Re-assessment course.

If a candidate fails the 4 day Re-assessment course twice, they must complete the whole 8 day Level 2 course again.

Any candidate who needs to take a 4 day Re-assessment course is not allowed to book onto 4 days of the 8 day course and must book onto the 4 day re-assessment course. There might be possibilities to merge some re-assessment students onto the last 4 days of the 8 day courses. The BASI Team will contact students directly if this is a viable option in order to confirm the course.

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