Ski Level 1 Course

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Prior to taking this course, candidates must:

  • Be able to ski parallel confidently, coping with a variety of conditions
  • Be able to ski parallel on red runs, making rhythmical short turns at a steady pace
  • Be able to ski parallel long turns on a green or easy blue slope with the skis carving the last two thirds of the turn
  • Minimum age 16 years old
  • It is recommended that applicants have completed at least 16 full weeks of skiing

BASI has developed online courses which have been designed to equip the learner with fundamental knowledge of the BASI technical and teaching methods prior to attending the 4 day Level 1 course.
Members can access this via their member area and through the links in their pre-course information. Candidates must complete the courses once their course is confirmed, prior to attending the Level 1 course.

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The Child Protection/Safeguarding Children online course is included in your Level 1 course fee. This means it can be done in your own time and in the comfort of your own home.

Once we register you with the learning provider (eLearning At Work) a week before your Level 1 course begins, you will receive an email providing you with details how to gain access to the Child Protection/Safeguarding Children course.  (Please check junk/spam just in case).

You can then upload your E Learning certificate to your Members Area once completed. 

35 hours Snowsports School Experience is required for Level 1 Instructor Qualification. These hours ideally should be shadowing or teaching experience in a UK Snowsports centre after completing the Level 1 instuctor course. A maximum of 15 of these hours can be completed at slopes using Maxxtracks technology, such as Skiplex or Chel-ski**.

An additional 35 hours Snowsports School Experience is required for Level 2 Qualification. These hours are additional to the 35 hours completed as part of the Level 1 Qualification. The additional hours should ideally be completed after the Level 1 Qualification has been awarded and before attending the Level 2 instructor course (70 hours can be submitted to the BASI Team after completion of the Level 1 instructor course).

Students should provide a breakdown in writing of what they have covered during their Snowsport School experience, this should be on headed Snowsport School paper and be signed by the Snowsport School supervisor. 

For a BASI Log Sheet Click Here

** Due to the nature of these slopes the instructor should always be mindful of how their lesson could be given on a dry slope or indoor snow slope where there are more slope users and a change of terrain (angle and underfoot conditions). Clients should be given instruction in accordance with the FIS code, particularly with regards to safety.

Members who wish to receive a licence to instruct must provide BASI with a copy of a current first aid certificate.

Please note: It is each member’s responsibility to ensure that they maintain a valid first aid certificate that is suitable for the country and snowsports school or slope where they work but at the very least meets BASI’s requirements.

In order to achieve your first qualification with BASI, a copy of a first aid certificate needs to be provided to BASI.

BASI's requirements for first aid are to complete a course minimum of 12 hours / 2 days duration

BASI do not provide a list of First Aid Course providers.  We will accept certificates from any course provider you choose so long as they meet the minimum duration requirements.

Members must update their first aid by the expiry date on their current first aid certificate and in any event not more than 3 years after their date of attendance on their last first aid course. An updated version of our First Aid Exemption Policy can be found here.

This ensures all Members have received current, relevant first aid training enabling a positive and confident approach to any casualty. This solid grounding in first aid compliments their qualifications both on and off the mountain.

This ensures all Members have received current, relevant first aid training enabling a positive and confident approach to any casualty. This solid grounding in first aid compliments their qualifications both on and off the mountain.